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"All men have animal approach, all men have their instinct and to rape a woman and rape a woman is a natural man's instinct. It's not unusual, unnatural."

Yogi Bhajan

"For God sake I am on my last mile. Listen to me, you idiots. You have to have a life of reverence and every reference must be with a reverence. There is no other truths, forget it all this. There are many ways and many roads and many paths that's just to get money out of your pocket to give you a variety of thoughts and variety of ideas and variety of stimulations so that you can pay. Don't try to be stupid."

Yogi Bhajan

"You have never trusted me, you have never watched me, you think you are bloody Americans and you can get away with anything. Those who shall sing the song from the heart shall find God today, those who will not listen to me, shall never reach it through out their life. You want now to bring me the teacher out of me then this is it? Either sing it or leave this room, you are getting my anger now. Don't force me to rewrite your destinies. Come on."

Yogi Bhajan

"The best way if a gay wants to come out of it all he has to tell himself it's a matter of the past. I am not this. I am not this. In forty days he can totally cure himself, and Los Angeles many have now normal relationships."

Yogi Bhajan

"I say keep up, you don't keep up, somehow I have this is my job thankless or thankful that I have to convince you to keep up. So you got a chance in the hand of God to be kept up so that you can be kept up. Oh for God sake keep up."

Yogi Bhajan

"I just came out and said, I am the teacher. Because my master told me, it can happen that way too. There is no rule and law and declaration."

Yogi Bhajan

"Every woman gets into trouble knowingly, that is a known fact. No woman is possibly raped, they invite it. Because whenever a woman will flirt she is not alert and when a woman is not alert every negative thing will happen and she has sixteen times more alertness in herself."

Yogi Bhajan

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